C.P.M & B.G.S.U

Founded in 1915, the National Association of Purchasing Management,
Inc.(NAPM) is one of the most respected educational associations
in the United States. NAPM is a communication link with more than
47,000 purchasing and supply management professionals.
NAPM is a progressive association with a mission to provide national
and international leadership in purchasing and materials management,
particularly in the areas of education, research and standards of excellence.
Through various resources and a network of 180 affiliated organizations,
NAPM provides opportunities for expansion of professional skills and knowledge.
A not-for-profit association, NAPM offers a wide range of educational
products and programs.

NAPM's Certified Purchasing Manager Program.
NAPM established the Certified Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.) program
on June 1, 1974. The establishment of the program identified procurement
as a professional function with high educational standards and measures of
ability and performance. Among the academic and the business communities,
it has earned the recognition of, and respect for, purchasing
as a key management team member

10주간의 어학 프로그램에서 중국어를 공부했던 나는
4주간('99/12/20~'00/01/14)의 사전학습이 그렇게 고통스러울 수가 없었고,
Bowling Green State University에 도착후 영어로 진행되는
모든 강의는 쫓아가기에 너무 힘들었었다.

Bowling Green에서의 그 모든것이 생애 잊을 수 없는 소중한 추억이 되었다.
Best Western Hotel, 게슈타포, 쉬지않고 내이던 눈, 호랑이만한 다람쥐,
Founders Hall, Meijer Mart, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Bae, Niagara Falls, I-94 Form,
아파트 식사.....

[ 추 가 ]

고속도로 휴게소의 맥도날드 더블치즈버거, 폭포식당 송어회

돌아오는 길에 버팔로 윙 닭튀김 

유일한 낙오자가 나일줄 알았는데, 1차에 모든 관문을 통과하였으니......

미운 오리새끼.